Monday, June 2, 2008


Dip, dip, dip... drop, drop, drop... Tip, tip, tip... tap, tap, tap... Rains splashing all over, water making its presence felt at every creature on this earth and last but not the least, the capital of the country drenched in absolute rainfall with traffic jams ruling the roost. Wondering what you are reading about? Well, an entrance in the reporting arena... a day which I was eagerly looking forward to with bated breath... a discussion which was (though) a tried and tested issue but still hasn’t totally lost its relevance... 22nd May... this day will remain etched in my memory for a long time to come, not only because it marked my debut in the television world but it was partially spoilt by the unpredictable May Rains.

May Rains... an unheard phenomena which has affected each and every tiny living being here and it was left me somewhat distraught too. Waking up at around 5.30 in the morning is certainly a Herculean task for me. Moreover, taking a bath, getting dressed and to top it all, hear all kinds of naggings from my dad to finish off my half eaten breakfast... It is definitely not a pleasant experience early in the morning. Drawing the curtains, when I looked outside the shady netted windows of my room... the picture looked gruesome and dull. Thundering clouds, crackling noises, wind gathering up to hit a big storm and damp roads... Rains are good unless and until you are all tucked in your bed, with a hot cup of coffee and a big plate of sumptuous pakodas. But driving in the rains, with all kinds of traffic jams waiting to welcome you with open arms... hmmm... not a good deal at all, at any cost.

After much pondering, fuming and fretting, I finally took the plunge, I mean stepped out of my place of safe haven at 7.30 sharp. With my brother at the wheels, I thought of listening to some soothing music to relax my nerves and let my mind wander in some unknown world, away from all the maddening things of MAY RAINS. The drive for first 5-6 kms was pretty smooth... no traffic jams... simple two minutes stoppage times. My positivism reached its height... but, alas at that very moment, it came crashing down when my car stopped at NARIANA intersection for nearly 60 minutes (yeah! You got it right man...Exactly an hours and 1 second). I waited, waited, waited and waited for the car to move forward... prayers, chants, pleas and appeals to the Almighty... it was all happening in the tiny white ZEN... people stared at me wide eyed... as if I was some unknown green vicious monster appealing to God to accept my prayers... preparing my sacrifice and chanting n mumbling under my breath some god-damn verses... They were wondering, that why on earth was I talking and mumbling to my self... probably they were endeavoring to do a course in lip reading... or should I say, interfering and poking their nose in others personal affairs... hmmm... seems so typical of Delhities... (Delhi bashing goes on everywhere)

However, unaware and oblivious of all these disastrous developments happening around me, I continued my sacred service to God. As they, true prayers never go unanswered, the old rugged car began to drag its wheels, energy being fuelled in my Big Bro... pushing the accelerator with an enormous a snail’s pace the care moved in the beginning but then at a ferocious speed... my bro put all his efforts in driving as fast as possible. The miniature Delhi roads were virtually transformed into Formula One racing tracks and by 30 minutes I finally managed to arrive at my destination.

Amidst all the water, mud and traffic... I stepped inside the posh Hyatt Regency hotel like a battered and bruised warrior with a never say die attitude, holding aloft my spirits and wearing my enigmatic smile to cover the event.



Charnita said...

I loved the spontaneity of ur writing...and the savory humour therein...{divyanshi being a substitut for alarm clock!! lol!hehe}...
..loved ur spell of shower in this sultry!
check out mah recent post:

Yellow Iris said...

great job swati... it tickled me like anything:)

RAKESH said...

Oh My God!!!already 2 arrivals!!!!i mised d boat 2 crwn myself wid "1st 2 leave a comment" title on dis apeared as if a very innocent kid is indulging into free-wheeling chat with a huge turnout of ppl squatting together n listening 2 each word in extreme silence as a precautionary measure not to miss da feeling of ecstasy at d spel of each sentence....d sequences were were closely knited in a decent account of da background....this is what can b biled as d "Triumph of a writer"
Wel, dis coment is xclusively 4 d first!!!!!"procrastination" has been comprehensively ilustrated in da script.......wel,everything spels sum advantages n disadvantages...had u risen off ur bed on time u wud ve mised dat "passionate lip-lock moment", i gess an ireparable loss!!~!!!!!!!!!
d imaculate manner of putting ur thoughts into words has made me ur fan.......!!!!!!N YEAH DIYANSHI , U VE A REASON 2 B HAPI DAT C IS ACKNWLEDGING U AS NEX 2 HER HEART IN HER PUBLIC BLOG...I GES U MEAN SO MUCH 2 HER....

CRD said...

forced to read an older post coz uve been too lazy to post anything. Wake up sleepy head :P

Nice post :)

Im really waiting for the rains to start early. Its damn hot here. Must be worse in Delhi


SWATZ said...

lol.. thanks Mr. Cris... lol.. I know I am damn damn lazy in updating my blogs.. :P but will do so sooon... cheers.. :D

angel from heaven said...

dedication!! great I like your flow of writing!!