Friday, July 11, 2008


The splashing of water, the trickling of drops, the bubbles galore and the great Indian fall... well this is not an exhibition of my poetry traits or some faintly somber attempt of awry rhyming at one stretch... it is also not the weird explanation of some all the more weird advertisements that are doing its regular rounds in the idiot box nowadays or the radio stations. Neither is it the urge of a lesser-known mortal to gain attention of some well-known folks nor is it written just for the sake of putting up some damn written stuff on my blog in a harried manner.
My dear fellow men and fellow women, (empowerment of women is a deadly thing...can drag you in to a whole lot of unnecessary controversies...better to be on a safe side and mention the women community wherever possible...all you feminists out there, hope you are feeling satisfied to your heart’s content now!!!) I am merely struggling hard to put my ‘painful’ and ‘slippery’ outburst in black and white to provide some sort of relief to my freakish limb. The incident took place exactly an year ago... and my infatuation with water or rains reached to its extreme height and in fact did prove fatal to my survival in this big bad world.
At the same time let me warn you guys, I am not an individual who has lost her sanity levels... I am perfectly in control of my life and my emotions but the incident that I am going to narrate in a few lines from here on is an incident that would drive any normal human being crazy. Please bear with me and pardon me for usage of any nasty comments and words in between.

13 JULY, 2007...It was that fateful morning... to be precise fifteen minutes past 7...the birds had already started chirping with all their strength... the pressure cooker in the kitchen was screeching loudly spilling the compressed water vapor in all directions... the sky was gurgling, roaring and bulging with thick black clouds waiting impatiently for initiating another round of pre-monsoon downpour. Standing in the balcony with a cup of steaming hot coffee in my right hand and my new FLY cell phone in the other, I was busy writing a message to anukampa not realising that tiny droplets of water had begun to drip from the Lord Almighty’s heavenly abode... “Hey dude! Lovely morning for a perfect shoot. Hope everything goes off well today... Ce ya at CP metro at 10!” the message read... Slowly moving inside my room to take shelter from the drizzling blessings of God, I dashed off the Sms to her... Cool wind lashing my face, a sense of satisfaction, I could smell adventure lurking at the start of that day... What a day it will be, I thought... Imagining the scenic beauty of Delhi’s archaic monuments, picturizing my whole group walking and jostling among the capital’s population, clicking photos with our cell phone cameras, trying hard to achieve that perfect angle... Mervyn, Supriya, Anukampa, Pragya, Juhi, Vaibhav, Nikhita, Yuvika, Sahil... waooo giving our best to capture the whole of our prestigious city, our pride, our honour, our pristine glory- our Delhi... SADDI DILLI!!! Hmmm..... got so engrossed in all these thoughts or should I say after building innumerable castles in the air... every wee bit in the picture had changed.... the birds had stopped chirping, the downpour was no longer visible, the pressure cooker had halted its whistling, the cool wind had disappeared in thin air and it was half past 7 now!!!

I hurriedly barged in to the bathroom snatching the towel from the cupboard... Hastily turned on the shower... and searched for that idiotic soap which was hiding behind the flush instead of the soap case... God knows who the F***ing hell kept it there... the water from the shower was dripping lazily, doing all kinds of catwalk it can ever do... Oh! My Gosh! The foreign models walk at a much better speed on the ramp than my shower... frustrated to the core and afraid of reaching late... I quickly turned on the tap... Thankfully, here the speed of the precious natural resource was reasonably good.... Intending to take the mug lying at one end of the bathroom, I stretched my leg... doing a bit of circus mastery... my toe was aiming to get a hold of the mug’s handle... oh! You mug... it is too much...well after exactly 7 seconds of my juggler antics instead of gripping the mug handle... My toe refused to work anymore and just lost the balance taking me straight down to the floor and slipping away to glory... In my anger I had dropped the soap on the floor... the floor all wet and slimy... a paradise for skaters!!! WHAT A FALL!!! The fall of my lifetime... In my entire life of 18 years, I had never felt such pain and anguish after twisting my leg.... What a twisting experience I had? I shouted at the top of my voice... Well, what a pity? I had to twist my leg in a bathroom where no one can even come to my resuce...Even if anyone comes...Gosh!!! Better said the least, man!!!

I don’t remember and don’t even want to how I managed to get out of that dreadful bathroom... My dad was shocked to see me in that situation... all wet... all soggy... all drippy... and one big swollen leg!!! He freaked out more than me... buzzed the doctor... refused to hear anything and called anukampa himself and canceled the whole of the outing for me... even the doctor supported him... I was grounded for a week’s bed rest!!! And was immediately put on rigorous medication!!!

After all, it was the GREAT INDIAN FALL... jaisa fall waisi dekh bhaal!!!


angel from heaven said...

Well one shouldn't really laugh at your painful predicament but I have to admit the vision of you in the shower dancing around trying to pick a mug with your toe and that of steaming hot coffee is just soooo funny!!!lolz
I hope you had a speedy recovery.

SWATZ said... tahnks... but yeah it was damn painful of fallign in the greasy wet bathroom floor.. n me all fien now... this awful accident happened last yr.. :P

Shekhar said...

Your blogs are so good,I mean,i have read a few of yours now..This one too was amusing,charming a nice brew of words & sense..I just don't understand why so less people commenting.Hey,anyways do your Job...You rock...TC

SWATZ said...

hahahaha... thats coz I hardly tell about my blogs... just a lil scred of what sort of views I receive... but thanks for your appreciation... thanks dude :)

S A J I T H said...

was just going throu some random blogs...nd ur blog caught my eyes..from your blog, i guess you are really a sort of happening gal!!your blog has charm,fun and some thing for the reader... The Great Indian fall is no different!!

so keep writing....

Sucha said...

Funny, pretty descriptive kept me going..

Hope your limb is fine now!

BTW just an observation avoid usage of Hindi or any other language if possible,

SWATZ said...

Oh yeah.... sure... thanks Sucha.. the problem is that I was soo engroseed in putting down my thoughts.. that the lingo did not catch my attention.. but tahnsk for the observation.. :)

@Sajith.... hahahah... thanks man.. happenign :D

SWATZ said...

Oh yeah.... sure... thanks Sucha.. the problem is that I was soo engroseed in putting down my thoughts.. that the lingo did not catch my attention.. but tahnsk for the observation.. :)

@Sajith.... hahahah... thanks man.. happenign :D

Unknown said...

nice writeup

liked the descriptive way of writing and the flow

would keep your blog on my radar!

Shruti Narayanan said...

hey lovely description.. could feel each world.. excellent narration.. couldn't stop laughing but then i know my manners.. must b so painful.. i can realize.. u have a g8 blog here.. keep up d good work!